Illustration book of Given series, a manga written and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu. It began publication in April 2013 in Chéri+ magazine. This book includes illustrations of all the characters with the particular style of Natsuki Kizu.
Publisher: Shinshokan
Number of pages: 65
Illustration book of Given series, a manga written and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu. It began publication in April 2013 in Chéri+ magazine. This book includes illustrations of all the characters with the particular style of Natsuki Kizu.
Publisher: Shinshokan
Number of pages: 65
Illustration book of Given series, a manga written and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu. It began publication in April 2013 in Chéri+ magazine. This book includes illustrations of all the characters with the particular style of Natsuki Kizu.
Publisher: Shinshokan
Number of pages: 65