Artbook of the animation series of Fruits Basket (フルーツバスケット), the manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It was published from 1998 until 2006 in shojo manga magazine Hana to Yume. This art book includes illustrations of all characters and summaries of 25 episodes of the first season of the anime that was released in April of 2019.
Artbook of the animation series of Fruits Basket (フルーツバスケット), the manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It was published from 1998 until 2006 in shojo manga magazine Hana to Yume. This art book includes illustrations of all characters and summaries of 25 episodes of the first season of the anime that was released in April of 2019.
Artbook of the animation series of Fruits Basket (フルーツバスケット), the manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. It was published from 1998 until 2006 in shojo manga magazine Hana to Yume. This art book includes illustrations of all characters and summaries of 25 episodes of the first season of the anime that was released in April of 2019.