Digimon Adventure - Patamon Look Up Series
The Digimon Adventure Lookup series continues with Patamon joining the collection!
The Lookup series of figures are all posed in sitting poses looking upward, allowing them to be displayed by your side always looking up into your eyes. The necks are also fitted with a joint so they can always be looking right at you.
Size: approx. 4.3 inches tall
Material: PVC, ABS
The Digimon Adventure Lookup series continues with Patamon joining the collection!
The Lookup series of figures are all posed in sitting poses looking upward, allowing them to be displayed by your side always looking up into your eyes. The necks are also fitted with a joint so they can always be looking right at you.
Size: approx. 4.3 inches tall
Material: PVC, ABS
The Digimon Adventure Lookup series continues with Patamon joining the collection!
The Lookup series of figures are all posed in sitting poses looking upward, allowing them to be displayed by your side always looking up into your eyes. The necks are also fitted with a joint so they can always be looking right at you.
Size: approx. 4.3 inches tall
Material: PVC, ABS